Examples using treeple#

To be able to effectively use treeple, look at some of the examples here to learn everything you need!


Examples demonstrating how to use treeple algorithms.

Calibrated decision trees via honesty#

Examples demonstrating the usage of honest decision trees to obtain calibrated predictions.

Plot honest forest calibrations on overlapping gaussian simulations

Plot honest forest calibrations on overlapping gaussian simulations

Multi-view learning with Decision-trees#

Examples demonstrating multi-view learning using random forest variants.

Analyze a multi-view dataset with a multi-view random forest

Analyze a multi-view dataset with a multi-view random forest


Examples concerning how to do outlier detection with decision trees.

ExtendedIsolationForest example

ExtendedIsolationForest example

Quantile Predictions with Random Forest#

Examples demonstrating how to generate quantile predictions using Random Forest variants.

Predicting with different quantile interpolation methods

Predicting with different quantile interpolation methods

Quantile prediction intervals with Random Forest Regressor

Quantile prediction intervals with Random Forest Regressor

Quantile prediction with Random Forest Regressor class

Quantile prediction with Random Forest Regressor class

Quantile regression with oblique regression forest

Quantile regression with oblique regression forest

Comparing sklearn and treeple decision trees#

Examples demonstrating the difference between sklearn and treeple decision trees.

Plot the decision surface of decision trees trained on the iris dataset

Plot the decision surface of decision trees trained on the iris dataset

Sparse oblique projections with oblique decision-trees#

Examples demonstrating learning using oblique random forests.

Compare extra oblique forest and oblique random forest predictions on cc18 datasets

Compare extra oblique forest and oblique random forest predictions on cc18 datasets

Speed of Extra Oblique Random Forest vs Oblique Random Forest on different dataset sizes

Speed of Extra Oblique Random Forest vs Oblique Random Forest on different dataset sizes

Plot oblique forest and axis-aligned random forest predictions on sparse parity simulation

Plot oblique forest and axis-aligned random forest predictions on sparse parity simulation

Compare the decision surfaces of oblique extra-trees with standard oblique trees

Compare the decision surfaces of oblique extra-trees with standard oblique trees

Plot oblique forest and axis-aligned random forest predictions on cc18 datasets

Plot oblique forest and axis-aligned random forest predictions on cc18 datasets

Decision-tree splitters#

Examples demonstrating different node-splitting strategies for decision trees.

Demonstrate and visualize a multi-view projection matrix for an axis-aligned tree

Demonstrate and visualize a multi-view projection matrix for an axis-aligned tree

Plot the projection matrices of an oblique tree for sampling images, or time-series

Plot the projection matrices of an oblique tree for sampling images, or time-series

Plot the sparse projection matrices of an oblique tree

Plot the sparse projection matrices of an oblique tree

Treeple for Hypothesis Testing#

Examples concerning how to use treeple as hypothesis test tools. Tutorials include estimating true statistics with true posterior functionss, using forest to calculate statistic estimates, and calculating p-values.

Estimating true posteriors & statistics

Estimating true posteriors & statistics

Calculating S@98

Calculating S@98

Calculating MI

Calculating MI

Calculating pAUC

Calculating pAUC

Calculating Hellinger Distance

Calculating Hellinger Distance

Calculating p-value (MIGHT)

Calculating p-value (MIGHT)

Calculating S@98 with multiview data

Calculating S@98 with multiview data

Calculating CMI

Calculating CMI

Calculating p-value with multiview data (CoMIGHT)

Calculating p-value with multiview data (CoMIGHT)

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