Constructing the graph

Here I construct a network based on the games played during the 2020 NCAA football season. The nodes in the network represent teams and the directed edges represent a victory when team $i$ played team $j$.

import re
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from graspologic.match import GraphMatch
from graspologic.plot import adjplot


savefig_kws = dict(
    dpi=300, pad_inches=0.3, transparent=False, bbox_inches="tight", facecolor="white"

output_path = Path("sandbox/results/upset_ranking/")

# REF:
schedule = pd.read_csv("sandbox/data/ncaa_football_2020.csv")

def filt(string):
    return re.sub(r"\([0123456789]*\) ", "", string)

vec_filt = np.vectorize(filt)

schedule["Winner"] = vec_filt(schedule["Winner"])
schedule["Loser"] = vec_filt(schedule["Loser"])

unique_winners = np.unique(schedule["Winner"])
unique_losers = np.unique(schedule["Loser"])
teams = np.union1d(unique_winners, unique_losers)
n_teams = len(teams)

adjacency_df = pd.DataFrame(
    index=teams, columns=teams, data=np.zeros((n_teams, n_teams))

for idx, row in schedule.iterrows():
    winner = row["Winner"]
    loser = row["Loser"]
    adjacency_df.loc[winner, loser] += 1

remove_winless = False
n_wins = adjacency_df.sum(axis=1)
if remove_winless:
    teams = teams[n_wins > 0]
    n_wins = adjacency_df.sum(axis=1)
adjacency_df = adjacency_df.reindex(index=teams, columns=teams)

n_teams = len(teams)

ax, _ = adjplot(adjacency_df.values, plot_type="scattermap", sizes=(10, 10), marker="s")
ax.set_title("2020 NCAA Footbal Season Graph", fontsize=25)
ax.set(ylabel="Winning team")
ax.set(xlabel="Losing team")
plt.savefig(output_path / "unsorted_adjacency.png", **savefig_kws)

print(f"Number of teams {n_teams}")
/Users/bpedigo/miniconda3/envs/sandbox/lib/python3.7/site-packages/umap/ UserWarning: Tensorflow not installed; ParametricUMAP will be unavailable
  warn("Tensorflow not installed; ParametricUMAP will be unavailable")
Number of teams 143

Matching to a flat upper triangular matrix

Under a given sorting (permutation) of the adjacency matrix, any game (edge) that is an upset will fall in the lower triangle, because a lower-ranked team beat a higher-ranked team. We can therefore create a ranking by graph matching the adjacency matrix to a flat upper triangular matrix, thereby inducing a sorting/ranking that minimizes the number of upsets.

adj = adjacency_df.values

# constructing the match matrix
match_mat = np.zeros_like(adj)
triu_inds = np.triu_indices(len(match_mat), k=1)
match_mat[triu_inds] = 1

# running graph matching
gm = GraphMatch(n_init=500, max_iter=150, eps=1e-6), adj)
perm_inds = gm.perm_inds_

adj_matched = adj[perm_inds][:, perm_inds]
upsets = adj_matched[triu_inds[::-1]].sum()
n_games = adj_matched.sum()

print(f"Number of games: {n_games}")
print(f"Number of non-upsets (graph matching score): {gm.score_}")
print(f"Number of upsets: {upsets}")
print(f"Upset ratio: {upsets/n_games}")

Number of games: 569.0
Number of non-upsets (graph matching score): 508.0
Number of upsets: 61.0
Upset ratio: 0.10720562390158173

['Coastal Carolina' 'Oklahoma' 'Alabama' 'Georgia' 'Ohio State'
 'Cincinnati' 'Texas A&M' 'Notre Dame' 'Ball State' 'North Carolina'
 'Louisiana' 'Florida' 'Iowa State' 'Clemson' 'Texas Christian'
 'Appalachian State' 'Texas' 'San Jose State' 'Western Michigan' 'Buffalo'
 'Oklahoma State' 'Miami (FL)' 'Tulsa' 'Oregon' 'Northwestern' 'Iowa'
 'Georgia State' 'Southern Methodist' 'Texas Tech' 'West Virginia'
 'Boise State' 'North Carolina State' 'Miami (OH)' 'Colorado'
 'Alabama-Birmingham' 'Kent State' 'Memphis' 'Central Florida' 'Marshall'
 'Toledo' 'Army' 'Stanford' 'San Diego State' 'Auburn' 'Air Force'
 'Pittsburgh' 'Hawaii' 'Georgia Southern' 'Troy' 'Liberty' 'Mercer'
 'Florida Atlantic' 'Texas-San Antonio' 'Nevada' 'Washington'
 'Southern California' 'Houston' 'UCLA' 'Mississippi' 'Indiana'
 'Wisconsin' 'New Mexico' 'Tarleton State' 'Wake Forest' 'Missouri'
 'Maryland' 'Louisiana Tech' 'Central Michigan' 'Penn State' 'Utah'
 'Louisiana State' 'Massachusetts' 'Virginia Tech' 'Western Carolina'
 'Georgia Tech' 'Virginia' 'Washington State' 'Michigan' 'Campbell'
 'Boston College' 'Louisville' 'Fresno State' 'Western Kentucky'
 'Minnesota' 'Charlotte' 'Illinois' 'Eastern Kentucky' 'Colorado State'
 'Austin Peay' 'Arizona State' 'Utah State' 'Navy' 'Tulane'
 'South Alabama' 'Southern Mississippi' 'Nebraska' 'Eastern Michigan'
 'Kentucky' 'Northern Illinois' 'Ohio' 'North Texas' 'Texas-El Paso'
 'East Carolina' 'Middle Tennessee State' 'Rutgers' 'New Mexico State'
 'Arizona' 'Abilene Christian' 'Stephen F. Austin' 'Arkansas' 'Purdue'
 'Baylor' 'Oregon State' 'Texas State' 'Chattanooga' 'Arkansas State'
 'Houston Baptist' 'Rice' 'Tennessee' 'Wyoming' 'California'
 'Michigan State' 'Akron' 'Central Arkansas' 'Florida State'
 'Bowling Green State' 'Temple' 'Jacksonville State' 'Mississippi State'
 'North Alabama' 'Florida International' 'Duke' 'Nevada-Las Vegas'
 'South Carolina' 'Vanderbilt' 'South Florida' 'Kansas State'
 'Brigham Young' 'Citadel' 'Syracuse' 'Louisiana-Monroe' 'Missouri State'

Plotting the matched (ranked) graph

ax, _ = adjplot(adj_matched, plot_type="scattermap", sizes=(10, 10), marker="s")
ax.plot([0, n_teams], [0, n_teams], linewidth=1, color="black", linestyle="-")
ylabel = r"$\leftarrow$ Ranked low         "
ylabel += "Winning team           "
ylabel += r"Ranked high $\rightarrow$"
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize="large")
ax.set(xlabel="Losing team")
ax.set_title("2020 NCAA Footbal Season Graph", fontsize=25)
    [0, n_teams],
    [0, n_teams],
    [n_teams, n_teams],
ax.text(n_teams / 4, 3 / 4 * n_teams, "Upsets")

plt.savefig(output_path / "ranked_adjacency.png", **savefig_kws)