Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)ΒΆ

This page will be updated to reflect commonly asked questions to provide a common reference point for questions and answers. Users may also wish to search for answers on the general OCP Support mailing list archives.

New questions should be asked on our support pages.

How do I get started?

Please begin with the configuration page, which should get you up and running in no time.

What are the limitations of your protocol?

This initial version of manno is an annotation protocol that depends on ITKSnap. So any annotations that are possible in ITKSnap are possible in manno. We do not currently support metadata export, or data downloads other than 8-bit, single channel.

What updates are planned?

We develop new functionality in response to user needs. We are currently considering wrappers for tools such as Ilastik, Fiji, Raveler and others. If you have a favorite tool or datatype that is not currently supported, please let us know!