manno Functions

code.manno_getImage(server, token, channel, queryFile, fileOut, useSemaphore)

MANNO function to get OCP image data and format it to be compatible with ITK-Snap.


server: [string]
  • OCP server name hosting the image data of interest
token: [string]
  • OCP token name for the annotation data of interest
channel: [string]
  • OCP channel name for the annotation data of interest
queryFile: [string]
  • path and filename for queryFile. Should be a MAT file containing one OCPQuery variable, named ‘query’
fileOut: [string]
  • path and filename for NIFTI image file to use in ITK Snap for annotating
useSemaphore: [number][default=0]
  • Throttles reading/writing client-side for large batch jobs. Not needed in single cutout mode


No explicit outputs. Output file is saved to disk rather than output as a variable to allow for downstream integration with LONI.


Currently only uint8 image data is supported. Multichannel data may produce unexpected results.
code.manno_putAnno(server, token, channel, queryFile, fileIn, protoRAMON, doConnComp, useSemaphore)

MANNO function to upload annotation data from ITK-Snap to OCP.


server: [string]
  • OCP server where annotation data will reside
token: [string]
  • OCP token name for the annotation data of interest
channel: [string]
  • OCP channel name for the annotation data of interest
queryFile: [string]
  • path and filename for queryFile. Should be a MAT file containing one OCPQuery variable, named ‘query’. This should be the same as the queryFile used to cutout data
fileIn: [string]
  • path and filename for NIFTI segmentation file saved in ITK Snap
protoRAMON: [string]
  • A prototype RAMONObject; each annotation object created will be based on this template (e.g., RAMONOrganelle, RAMONSynapse). Users can set fields (e.g., author, confidence) by writing wrapper scripts
doConnComp: [number]
  • If equal to 1, objects will be relabeled based on 3D (26-connected) voxels. If set to 0, objects will be uploaded exactly as created.
useSemaphore: [number][default=0]
  • Throttles reading/writing client-side for large batch jobs. Not needed in single cutout mode


No explicit outputs. Output file is saved to disk rather than output as a variable to allow for downstream integration with LONI.


Currently only uint8 image data is supported. Multichannel data may produce unexpected results.

Manno Example manno starter to demonstrate protocol functionality. All required inputs are hardcoded for this demo. Paths are hardcoded for Linux/Mac.

This example should be run from the code directory because of the relative paths

The result of this run can be viewed in a webbrowser using the following URL:,5972/8712,9212/1031/

For questions on these functions, please contact Will Gray Roncal at