Data Preprocessing¶
The outputs from the m2g
pipeline is available in our open-access AWS S3 bucket: s3://open-neurodata/m2
. You can use the file tree to browse the outputs
import boto3
from botocore import UNSIGNED
from botocore.client import Config
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from graspologic.utils import import_edgelist, pass_to_ranks
/Users/j1c/miniconda3/envs/m2g/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tqdm/ TqdmWarning: IProgress not found. Please update jupyter and ipywidgets. See
from .autonotebook import tqdm as notebook_tqdm
[ ]:
modalities = ["Diffusion", "Functional"]
diffusion_datasets = [
functional_datasets = [
datasets = {"Diffusion": diffusion_datasets, "Functional": functional_datasets}
Fetch from S3 and Download to Local¶
The files will be stored at m2g/docs/paper/data/
parcellation = "DKT_space-MNI152NLin6_res-2x2x2"
bucket = "open-neurodata"
for modality in modalities:
if modality == "Diffusion":
parcellation = "DKT_space-MNI152NLin6_res-2x2x2"
parcellation = "DKT_space-MNI152NLin6_res-2x2x2.nii.gz"
prefix = f"m2g/{modality}/"
s3 = boto3.client("s3", config=Config(signature_version=UNSIGNED))
resp = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter="/")
dataset_fullnames = []
for dset in datasets[modality]:
for r in resp.get("CommonPrefixes"):
if dset in r.get("Prefix"):
for dset, dset_abbrev in zip(dataset_fullnames, datasets[modality]):
prefix = f"{dset}Connectomes/{parcellation}/"
resp = s3.list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket, Prefix=prefix, Delimiter="/")
contents = resp["Contents"]
files = []
for obj in contents:
key = obj["Key"]
if modality == "Functional":
if key.endswith(".csv") and "abs" in key:
if key.endswith(".csv"):
print(f"Downloading {dset}... Total files: {len(files)}")
# Save to data folder
p = Path(f"./data/{modality}/{dset_abbrev}")
p.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# Download files
for f in files:
out = p / Path(f).name
if not out.exists():
s3.download_file(bucket, f, out)
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/SWU4-8-27-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 422
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/HNU1-8-27-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 300
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/NKIENH-11-01-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 129
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/XHCUMS-8-27-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 117
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/BNU1-8-27-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 114
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/BNU3-11-01-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 47
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/NKI1-8-24-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 40
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/NKI24-11-01-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 38
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/IPCAS8-8-27-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 26
Downloading m2g/Diffusion/MRN_1-8-27-20-m2g-native-csa-det/... Total files: 19
Downloading m2g/Functional/NYU_2-11-27-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 494
Downloading m2g/Functional/SWU4-11-12-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 425
Downloading m2g/Functional/HNU1-11-12-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 300
Downloading m2g/Functional/XHCUMS-11-27-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 247
Downloading m2g/Functional/UPSM_1-11-27-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 230
Downloading m2g/Functional/BNU3-11-12-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 144
Downloading m2g/Functional/IPCAS7-11-27-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 144
Downloading m2g/Functional/SWU1-11-27-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 119
Downloading m2g/Functional/IPCAS1-11-27-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 118
Downloading m2g/Functional/BNU1-11-12-20-m2g-func/... Total files: 106
Compute mean connectomes¶
This data will be used for plotting in Figure 2.
out_dir = Path(f"./data/mean_connectomes/")
out_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for modality, dsets in datasets.items():
if modality == "Functional":
keyword = "*abs*"
keyword = "*"
for dset in dsets:
p = Path(f"./data/{modality}/{dset}")
files = list(p.glob(keyword))
f"Computing mean graph for {modality} {dset}... Total files: {len(files)}"
graphs = import_edgelist(files, "csv")
graphs = [pass_to_ranks(g) for g in graphs]
# Compute mean graph
mean_graph = np.array(graphs).mean(axis=0)
# Save mean graph / f"{len(files):>03}_{modality}_{dset}", mean_graph)
Computing mean graph for Diffusion SWU4... Total files: 422
Computing mean graph for Diffusion HNU1... Total files: 300
Computing mean graph for Diffusion NKIENH... Total files: 129
Computing mean graph for Diffusion XHCUMS... Total files: 117
Computing mean graph for Diffusion BNU1... Total files: 114
Computing mean graph for Diffusion BNU3... Total files: 47
Computing mean graph for Diffusion NKI1... Total files: 40
Computing mean graph for Diffusion NKI24... Total files: 38
Computing mean graph for Diffusion IPCAS8... Total files: 26
Computing mean graph for Diffusion MRN_1... Total files: 19
Computing mean graph for Functional NYU_2... Total files: 494
Computing mean graph for Functional SWU4... Total files: 425
Computing mean graph for Functional HNU1... Total files: 300
Computing mean graph for Functional XHCUMS... Total files: 247
Computing mean graph for Functional UPSM_1... Total files: 230
Computing mean graph for Functional BNU3... Total files: 144
Computing mean graph for Functional IPCAS7... Total files: 144
Computing mean graph for Functional SWU1... Total files: 119
Computing mean graph for Functional IPCAS1... Total files: 118
Computing mean graph for Functional BNU1... Total files: 106
[ ]: