
In order to use this API, users should have the following software:

  • CAJAL Toolbox
  • A recent version of MATLAB
  • To install CAJAL, please follow the installation instructions here: For user (client) installations, the user only needs to clone the repository and run the “cajal.m” script in the API root to set up the toolbox.
  • To add CAJAL to your startup path (highly recommended), run <cajalroot>/tools/matlab_install/setupEnvironment.m
  • Toolboxes may also be added, by typing cajal.installToolbox(<setup script for toolbox>). A very simple setup example follows:
% assume macho has been cloned to /share0/macho
% setup.m is in macho root, and contains two lines:
% addpath(genpath(pwd));
% display('adding macho toolbox');


This toolbox will be loaded each time cajal is run, including on startup, if configured.