0.1 XYZ Spacial cluster

From the analysis done here the clusters of synapses are plotted spacially and colored according to cluster label.

1 Histograms of X,Y, and Z coordinates

2 Synapse clusters plotted spacially in native aspect ratio

The native aspect ratio is \((3.72, 3.72, 70.0)\) nm.

3 Synapse clusters plotted spacially in altered aspect ratio

4 Large points are locations of the synaptograms

5 Synaptograms of 5NN to mean (F0) in each cluster

C11 C121 C122 C211 C212 C221 C222
950,2282,14 4014,2201,29 3869,1696,26 8108,5460,21 5210,5462,22 7547,4711,18 6040,2471,11
4801,3900,15 3767,1934,23 999,1563,10 8521,3795,15 8488,5872,32 1845,1157,30 3696,1178,28
5527,3271,29 7972,3674,21 4085,1161,14 7490,5191,19 7456,5859,22 5861,1514,22 7416,2361,8
4735,2428,10 6170,4424,26 4430,1158,12 8479,1439,11 295,2832,18 2719,1027,8 7423,4880,13
1638,1875,6 6397,5301,28 7427,2693,24 6487,5719,26 130,2247,24 1174,2779,15 3611,1504,23