The formatted source code for this file is here.
And a raw version here.
Previous work by Youngser Park can be found here.

1 Introduction

Following from previous pages, this page will focus on filtering the data before clustering to explore if filtering improves the outcome of clustering.

2 Feature Definitions

The features defined below were found in BBSS13 (F0-F3) and via correspondance with the authors (F4-F5):

Let \(V\) be an 11x11x11 volume. For every \(i \in V\), let \(b_i\) denote the brightness of pixel \(i\) and \(d_i\) the pixelwise distance from \(i\) to the synaptic locus (which seems to be the center pixel).

The local maximum \(m\) in \(V\) for each channel is noted and a smaller 5x5x5 volume \(V'\) is created about \(m\).

3 Data

Here we read in the data and select a random half of it for exploration.

featFull <- fread("../data/synapsinR_7thA.tif.Pivots.txt.2011Features.txt", 

### Setting a seed and creating an index vector
### to select half of the data
half1 <- sample(dim(featFull)[1],dim(featFull)[1]/2)
half2 <- setdiff(1:dim(featFull)[1],half1)

feat <- featFull[half1,]
# [1] 559649    144
## Setting the channel names
channel <- c('Synap_1','Synap_2','VGlut1_t1','VGlut1_t2','VGlut2','Vglut3',

## Setting the channel types
channel.type <- c('ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','in.pre.small',
                  'other', 'ex.post','other','other','ex.post','none','none')

nchannel <- length(channel)
nfeat <- ncol(feat) / nchannel

## Createing factor variables for channel and channel type sorted properly
ffchannel <- (factor(channel.type,
                     levels= c("ex.pre", "ex.post", "in.pre",
                               "in.post", "in.pre.small", "other", "none")))
fchannel <- as.numeric(factor(channel.type,
                              levels= c("ex.pre", "ex.post", "in.pre",
                                        "in.post", "in.pre.small", 
                                        "other", "none")))
ford <- order(fchannel)

## Setting up colors for channel types
Syncol <- c("#197300", "#5ed155", "#660000", "#cc0000", "#ff9933",
            "mediumblue", "gold")

ccol <- Syncol[fchannel]

exType <- factor(c(rep("ex",11),rep("in",6),rep("other",7)),ordered=TRUE)
exCol<-exType;levels(exCol) <- c("#197300","#990000","mediumblue");
exCol <- as.character(exCol)

fname <- as.vector(sapply(channel,function(x) paste0(x,paste0("F",0:5))))
names(feat) <- fname
fcol <- rep(ccol, each=6)
mycol <- colorpanel(100, "purple", "black", "green")
mycol2 <- matlab.like(nchannel)

3.1 Data transformations

f <- lapply(1:6,function(x){seq(x,ncol(feat),by=nfeat)})
featF <- lapply(f,function(x){subset(feat,select=x)})

featF0 <- featF[[1]]
f01e3 <- 1e3*data.table(apply(X=featF0, 2, 

fs <- f01e3

### Taking log_10 on data with 0's removed
ans <- apply(featF0, 1, function(row){ any(row == 0)})

logF0 <- round(log10(featF0[!ans,]), 2)
slogF0 <- logF0[,lapply(.SD,scale, center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)]

rFeat <- feat[,lapply(.SD, rank, ties.method='average')]

We now have the following data sets:

  • featF0: The feature vector looking only at the integrated brightness features.
  • fs: The feature vector scaled between \([0,1000]\).
  • logF0: The feature vector, with 0’s removed, then \(log_{10}\) is applied.
  • slogF0: The feature vector, with 0’s removed, then \(log_{10}\), then scaled by subtracting the mean and dividing by the sample standard deviation.

4 Feature Exploration

4.1 KDE plots of chosen transformation/feature pair

synF <- feat[, grep("Synap_", names(feat)),with=FALSE]
lsynF <- synF[,lapply(.SD,function(x){scale(log10(x+1),center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)})]

synF <- synF[, lapply(.SD, 
                qs <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.01,0.99))
                x[x < qs[1]] <- NA
                x[x > qs[2]] <- NA
lsynF <- lsynF[, lapply(.SD, 
                qs <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.01,0.99), na.rm=TRUE)
                x[x < qs[1]] <- NA
                x[x > qs[2]] <- NA

names(synF) <- paste0(names(synF), "_linear")
names(lsynF) <- paste0(names(lsynF), "_logscale")

vglutF <- feat[,grep("VGlut1_t",names(feat)),with=FALSE]
lvglutF <- vglutF[,lapply(.SD,function(x){scale(log10(x+1),center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)})]

vglutF <- vglutF[, lapply(.SD, 
                qs <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.01,0.99))
                x[x < qs[1]] <- NA
                x[x > qs[2]] <- NA
lvglutF <- lvglutF[, lapply(.SD, 
                qs <- quantile(x, probs=c(0.01,0.99), na.rm=TRUE)
                x[x < qs[1]] <- NA
                x[x > qs[2]] <- NA

names(vglutF) <- paste0(names(vglutF), "_linear")
names(lvglutF) <- paste0(names(lvglutF),"_logscale")
df1 <- melt(as.matrix(cbind(synF,lsynF)))
ggplot(data=df1,aes(x=value,y=..density..,group=as.factor(Var2),colour=Var2)) + 
    geom_density(size = 1.5) + 
    facet_wrap( ~ Var2,scales='free',ncol=6) + 
    guides(col = guide_legend(ncol=1))
Figure 1: KDE for Synapsin1 and Synapsin2 accross all features outer 2% trimmed.

df2 <- melt(as.matrix(cbind(vglutF,lvglutF)))
ggplot(data=df2,aes(x=value,y=..density..,group=as.factor(Var2),colour=Var2)) + 
    geom_density(size = 1.5) + 
    facet_wrap( ~ Var2,scales='free', ncol=6) +
    guides(col = guide_legend(ncol=1))
Figure 2: KDE for VGlut1_t1 and VGlut1_t2 accross all features outer 2% trimmed.

4.2 Synapsin1 Vs. Synapsin2 for all features

synF <- feat[, grep("Synap_", names(feat)),with=FALSE]
ans1 <- apply(synF, 1, function(row){ any(row == 0)})
lsynF <- synF[!ans1, lapply(.SD, 

rsynF <- synF[,lapply(.SD, rank, ties.method='average')]
print(paste("removed", sum(ans1), "zero entries"))
# [1] "removed 222681 zero entries"

The following block needs to be re-written.

gg1 <- list()
ind <- matrix(c(1:12), ncol=2)
rownames(ind) <- paste0("F", 0:5)

cols <- colorRampPalette(c("darkgreen", "chartreuse"))(10)
cols.pal <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "darkgreen", "chartreuse"))

for ( i in c(1:6)) {
  tmp1 <- synF[,ind[i,], with=FALSE]
  tmp2 <- lsynF[,ind[i,], with=FALSE]
  tmp3 <- rsynF[,ind[i,], with=FALSE]
  gg1[[i]] <- list() 
  gg1[[i]][[1]] <- ggplot(data=tmp1,aes_string(x=names(tmp1)[1], y=names(tmp1)[2])) +
          geom_hex(bins=200,aes(fill=log10(..value..))) +
          geom_smooth(method='lm',colour='red', alpha=0.5)+
          ggtitle(paste0("Untransformed Feature:", rownames(ind)[i])) +
          scale_fill_gradientn(guide=guide_colorbar("Count on \nlog_10 scale"),

  gg1[[i]][[2]] <- 
    ggplot(data=tmp2,aes_string(x=names(tmp2)[1], y=names(tmp2)[2])) +
          geom_hex(bins=200,aes(fill=log10(..value..))) +
          geom_smooth(method='lm',colour='red', alpha=0.5)+
          ggtitle(paste0("Scale log Transformed Feature:", rownames(ind)[i])) +
          scale_fill_gradientn(guide=guide_colorbar("Count on \nlog_10 scale"),
                               colours= cols )

  gg1[[i]][[3]] <- 
    ggplot(data=tmp3,aes_string(x=names(tmp3)[1], y=names(tmp3)[2])) +
          geom_hex(bins=200,aes(fill=log10(..value..))) +
          #geom_point(alpha=0.2) + 
          geom_smooth(method='lm',colour='red', alpha=0.5)+
          ggtitle(paste0("Rank Transformed Feature:", rownames(ind)[i])) +
          scale_fill_gradientn(guide=guide_colorbar("Count on \nlog_10 scale"),
ggS <- Reduce("c", gg1)
do.call("grid.arrange",args=c(ggS[1:15], ncol=3))
Figure 3: Scatter plots of Synapsin1 and Synapsin2 on linear and log scale.

The folling is a 2d density of the different transformations of feature F5.
Due to the nature of this feature the scatter plot alone does not convey much information.

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
smoothScatter(synF[, Synap_1F5], synF[, Synap_2F5],colramp=cols.pal, 
              xlab="Synap_1F5", ylab="Synap_2F5")
points(synF[, Synap_1F5], synF[, Synap_2F5], pch= 20, col='darkgray')

smoothScatter(lsynF[, Synap_1F5], lsynF[, Synap_2F5],colramp=cols.pal, 
              xlab="Log Synap_1F5", ylab="Log Synap_2F5")
points(lsynF[, Synap_1F5], lsynF[, Synap_2F5], pch= 20, col='darkgray')

smoothScatter(rsynF[, Synap_1F5], rsynF[, Synap_2F5],colramp=cols.pal, 
              xlab="Rank Synap_1F5", ylab="Rank Synap_2F5")
points(rsynF[, Synap_1F5], rsynF[, Synap_2F5], pch= 20, col='darkgray')
Figure 4: 2d Density of Synapsin1 and Synapsin2 on linear, log, and rank scale.

lm.fits1 <-lapply(ggS,function(x){x <- x$data;lm(as.formula(paste0(names(x)[2],"~",names(x)[1])),data=x)})
r2 <- sapply(lm.fits1, function(x){ summary(x)$r.squared })
pval<- sapply(lm.fits1,function(x){ anova(x)$'Pr(>F)'[1] })

data.frame(r2 = matrix(r2, nrow=6,byrow=TRUE),
#         r2.1       r2.2       r2.3 pval.1 pval.2 pval.3
# 1 0.59414860 0.46592277 0.46670705      0      0      0
# 2 0.64299026 0.53775652 0.55420468      0      0      0
# 3 0.21262325 0.22616649 0.22034010      0      0      0
# 4 0.26428419 0.28882467 0.26871308      0      0      0
# 5 0.47390962 0.37414813 0.39062226      0      0      0
# 6 0.06430581 0.04556348 0.06615929      0      0      0

4.3 VGlut1_t1 Vs. VGlut1_t2 for all features

vglutF <- feat[,grep("VGlut1_t[1-2]", names(feat)),with=FALSE]
ans2 <- apply(vglutF,1,function(row){ any(row == 0)})
lvglutF <- vglutF[!ans2,lapply(.SD, 

rvglutF <- vglutF[,lapply(.SD, rank, ties.method='average')]
print(paste("removed", sum(ans2), "zero entries"))
# [1] "removed 23063 zero entries"
do.call("grid.arrange",args=c(ggV[1:15], ncol=3))
Figure 5: Scatter plots of Synapsin1 and Synapsin2 on linear and log scale.

The folling is a 2d density of the different transformations of feature F5.
Due to the nature of this feature the scatter plot alone does not convey much information.

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
smoothScatter(vglutF[, VGlut1_t1F5], vglutF[, VGlut1_t2F5],colramp=cols.pal, 
              xlab="VGlut1_t1F5", ylab="VGlut1_t2F5")
points(vglutF[, VGlut1_t1F5], vglutF[, VGlut1_t2F5], pch= 20, col='darkgray')

smoothScatter(lvglutF[, VGlut1_t1F5], lvglutF[, VGlut1_t2F5],colramp=cols.pal, 
              xlab="Log VGlut1_t1F5", ylab="Log VGlut1_t2F5")
points(lvglutF[, VGlut1_t1F5], lvglutF[, VGlut1_t2F5], pch= 20, col='darkgray')

smoothScatter(rvglutF[, VGlut1_t1F5], rvglutF[, VGlut1_t2F5],colramp=cols.pal, 
              xlab="Rank VGlut1_t1F5", ylab="Rank VGlut1_t2F5")
points(rvglutF[, VGlut1_t1F5], rvglutF[, VGlut1_t2F5], pch= 20, col='darkgray')
Figure 6: 2d Density of VGlut1_t1F5 and VGlut1_t2F5 on linear, log, and rank scale.

lm.fits2 <-lapply(ggV,function(x){x <- x$data;lm(as.formula(paste0(names(x)[2],"~",names(x)[1])),data=x)})
r2 <- sapply(lm.fits2, function(x){ summary(x)$r.squared })
pval<- sapply(lm.fits2,function(x){ anova(x)$'Pr(>F)'[1] })

data.frame(r2 = matrix(r2, nrow=6,byrow=TRUE),
#        r2.1      r2.2      r2.3 pval.1 pval.2 pval.3
# 1 0.7350859 0.6507228 0.7179416      0      0      0
# 2 0.7788203 0.6748344 0.7588826      0      0      0
# 3 0.4391983 0.4803640 0.4975225      0      0      0
# 4 0.4989981 0.5177710 0.5248931      0      0      0
# 5 0.5526672 0.5081095 0.5238186      0      0      0
# 6 0.1384548 0.1205634 0.1270797      0      0      0

5 References