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You can reproduce our Read/Write throughput and the tilecache benchmarks using AWS EC2 instances. The software stack can be installed on the EC2 instance using an install scripts. After installing the backend, you can run the benchmarks in the paper using the benchmark scripts provided. The benchmark scripts are configurable to run the benchmark tests for different test configurations, for example running the benckmark for 32 threads. The results of these benchmarks are stored in CSV files and you can use provided R scripts to generate the graphs as shown in the paper.

Table 3: Publicly available image data through NDStore. The key corresponds to the publication associated to the data, as given in Table 2. The token is a programmatic key which enables users to access the associated data. The URL corresponds to a location at which this data is viewable using our web viewer, NeuroDataViz.

key token resolution (nm3; Hz) voxels / volume channels total (GV)
OHN acardona_0111_8 4 x 4 x 45 32768 x 32768 x 4840 1 5196
OHN acardona_abd1_5 4 x 4 x 45 24576 x 24576 x 461 1 278
DBN bock11 4 x 4 x 45 135424 x 119808 x 1239 1 20102
WSD Ex10R55 100 x 100 x 70 3409 x 3337 x 70 29 23
WSD Ex12R75 100 x 100 x 70 5491 x 4749 x 35 21 19
WSD Ex12R76 100 x 100 x 70 5979 x 4872 x 37 21 22
WSD Ex13R51 100 x 100 x 70 5184 x 5840 x 30 21 19
WSD Ex14R58 100 x 100 x 70 4750 x 3410 x 41 26 17
WSD Ex2R18C1 100 x 100 x 70 2106 x 3236 x 42 25 7
WSD Ex2R18C2 100 x 100 x 70 1970 x 3175 x 42 25 6
WSD Ex3R43C1 100 x 100 x 70 2101 x 3223 x 69 26 12
WSD Ex3R43C2 100 x 100 x 70 1971 x 3164 x 69 26 11
WSD Ex3R43C3 100 x 100 x 70 1989 x 3252 x 69 26 11
WSD Ex6R15C1 100 x 100 x 70 3208 x 3581 x 30 21 7
WSD Ex6R15C2 100 x 100 x 70 3233 x 3636 x 30 21 7
FLY flycol 4 x 4 x 45 2000 x 2000 x 6240 1 24
ANM freeman14 650 x 650 x 5000; 0.8 2048 x 1172 x 30 x 100 1 7
BKC kasthuri11 3 x 3 x 30 21504 x 26624 x 1849 1 1058
BKC kasthuri11cc 3 x 3 x 30 21504 x 26624 x 1849 1 1058
BKC kasthuri14Maine 2000 x 2000 x 30 6144 x 6144 x 2041 1 77
BKC kasthuri14s1colEM 30 x 30 x 30 49152 x 32768 x 254 1 409
HSD kharris15apical 2 x 2 x 50 8192 x 8192 x 194 1 13
HSD kharris15oblique 2 x 2 x 50 8192 x 8192 x 91 1 6
HSD kharris15spine 2 x 2 x 50 9000 x 9000 x 59 1 4
WRM ritaN2 5 x 5 x 60 13101 x 14378 x 1198 2 451
WR ritaN2_5 5 x 5 x 60 37379 x 25986 x 742 2 1441
WRM ritaN2_four 5 x 5 x 60 28381 x 24234 x 321 2 441
TKN takemura13 4 x 4 x 45 12000 x 12000 x 1299 1 187
LEE lee14        
XBN xbrain        

Table 2: Publications assocated with data hosted by ndstore

key reference datasets modality species
OHN Ohyama et al. Nature (2015) 2 EM D. melanogaster
DBN Bock et al. Nature (2011) 1 EM M. musculus
WSD Weiler et al. Scientific Data (2014) 12 AT M. musculus
FLY flycol 1 EM D. melanogaster
ANM Ahrens et al. Nature Methods (2013) 1 Ophys D. rerio
BKC Kasthuri et al. Cell (2015) 4 EM M. musculus
HSD Harris et al. Scientific Data (2015) 3 EM R. rattus
WRM Worm Atlas 3 EM C. elegans
TKN Takemura et al. Nature (2013) 1 EM D. melanogaster
XBN Xbrain 1 Xray  
LEE Lee something      
CNC Code Neuro Challenge      



Figure 7a: The format of a sparse matrix.
Figure 7b: The storage format of a tile.

FlashX partitions a sparse matrix into tiles and store tiles in a very compact format (Figure 7b). We use our own SCSR (Super Compressed Row Storage) format for rows with more than one non-zero entry and the coordinate format (COO) for rows with only one non-zero entry [25]. The SCSR format only stores data for non-empty rows in a tile. A non-empty row contains a row header that has an identifier to indicate the row number, followed by column indices. The most significant bit of the identifier is always set to 1, while the most significant bit of a column index entry is always set to 0. As such, we can easily distinguish a row identifier from a column index entry and determine the end of a row. We use two bytes to store a row number and a column index entry, which further reduces the storage size. For the adjacency matrix of a real-world graph, many rows in a cache tile have only one non-zero entry, owing to the sparsity of the graphs and nearly random vertex connection. The COO format for single-entry rows avoids many conditional jumps without increasing the storage size. All non-zero values are stored together at the end of a tile.

Figure 8: Dense matrices of different shapes.

FlashX supports dense matrices of different shapes (Figure 8). It specifically optimizes tall-and-skinny matrices and short-and-wide matrices, and stores tall matrices and wide matrices as groups of tall-and-skinny matrices and short-and-wide matrices, respectively. For a tall-and-skinny matrix and short-and-wide matrix, FlashMatrix supports row-major and column-major matrix layout (Figure 9). As such, we avoid data copy for common matrix operations such as matrix transpose. FlashMatrix partitions TAS matrices horizontally into I/O-level partitions. All elements in an I/O-level partition are stored contiguously regardless of the data layout in the matrix. Each I/O access reads the entire I/O-level partition, so the partition size determines an I/O size, usually on the order of megabytes. The number of rows in an I/O-level partition is always 2i.

Table 5: The runtime and memory consumption of FlashGraph on a Web page graph with 3.4 billion vertices and 129 billion edges.

Algorithm Runtime (sec) Memory (GB)
BFS 298 22
BC 595 81
TC 7818 55
WCC 461 47
PR 2041 46
SS 375 83


To recreate the Matrix Explorer panel first navigate to Matrix-Explorer, click on Demo (Iris Dataset), and proceed to the “Embedding \& Clustering” tab. The resultant window should look like the image shown in the subpanel.

Figure 9



Reproduce the throughput benchmarks

You can reproduce our Read/Write throughput benchmarks using the following steps:

Reproduce the tilecache benchmarks

You can reproduce our Tilecache benchmarks using the following steps:

Reproduce the ingest benchmarks

You can reproduce the ingest benchmarks using the following steps:


[25] Da Zheng, Disa Mhembere, Vince Lyzinski, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Carey E. Priebe, and Randal Burns, Semi-External Memory Sparse Matrix Multiplication on Billion-node Graphs in a Multicore Architecture, 2016.