NeuroData Paper

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We have curated a collection of image datasets and setup pre-configured NeuroDataViz projects for them. This data is available by visiting and clicking on “Data”.

The data in Figure 2(a) was collected by Bobby Kasthuri in 2011 and published in 2015. The global dataset is available at The data used to generate the figure was taken from the following subregion: In NDStore parlance, the data is identified as follows:

Key Value
Token kasthuri11cc
Channel image
Resolution 2
x-coordinate 2439
y-coordinate 4281
z-coordinate 1100

This data can be downloaded using raw NDStore APIs, CAJAL, or ndio.

Histogram Explorer

The Histogram Explorer is available at An NDStore dataset Token and Channel are required to load histograms and associated statistics.

8-bit Datasets

Figure 2(b) was generated using Histogram Explorer. To setup the view shown in the figure, first visit Enter kharris15apical in the Token box, and em in the Channel box. Press “Load Histogram” to load the histogram and relevant statistics.



Several of the above mentioned image datasets include paint. The data used in Figure2(c) is a paint dataset that includes RAMON metadata, and is available at The EM layer (kasthuri11cc, from Images) is used as a base.

The specific data used in Figure 2(c) is available at To bring up object metadata shown in the figure, first mouse over the query tool (the magnifying glass) and select Synapses in the dropdown query box. Next, click on the relevant synapse (synapse #37, located between the pink and brown neurons, to the right of the large purple neuron). If you are having trouble identifying the Synapse, the following URL will place a marker at the synapse location (though the overall screen center will be slightly different than the center used in the figure)::